Archive Google Apps for Education...with Enkive?

Well, I don't know because Enkive hasn't been released yet. But Enkive, a project by The Linux Box, looks pretty promising. The software offers email retention and retrieval, and regulatory compliance. Enkive is built using the Alfresco system, another open-source project focused on CMS. From what I understand, Enkive is planned to follow in the steps of many other open source software offerings--a "community" version for free, and a "enterprise" version that will be supported by The Linux Box, pricing is yet to be determined. Enkive Community Edition is set to be released 4th Quarter 2010 (may even be this Friday!), with the commercial version planned for release beginning of next year.

What I'm most interested in, however, is the archiving of Google Apps for Education email. On Enkive's website, it says that Gmail can be archived, but does take some extra setup. Or, perhaps the commercial version will be at a low enough cost that it would make sense for us at the school district to use it. We'll see.

Hit the link for more information, and to sign up for notifications when Enkive will be released:


  1. Matt: Thanks for the blog post. Based on your interest, our team looked into this and we believe Enkive's current email archiving solution is compatible with Google Apps Education and Premier Editions. It would involve setting up inbound and outbound gateways. We would be happy to help you with this.

    -Dave Biskner, Sales Manager, Enkive

  2. I am setting up an instance of Enkive for the purpose of archiving GAPPS for our school district. Looking for assistance with Enkive. I have it installed but cannot login to the web inteface. I installed following the instructions from the Enkive wiki. Tomcat and mysql are working properly. The enkive database was created. I attempted to get setup postfix filter but cannot find zip file mentions in getting email into enkive kiki. Any help is appreciated.

  3. Hello Tony,
    As I have no experience actually setting up Enkive I do not know how to answer your specific question. I am very sorry...we are currently going to be archiving using Postini for at least one year, then may switch over to Enkive after the craziness of changing email systems is finished.

  4. I'm setting up an Enkive too. I'm following instruction on wiki pages without no success. I takes me few hours to investigate that problem is with permission file which was suggested on wiki


    Remove this file and you be able to login to web interface


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